Meeting Space
Choosing the proper telehealth meeting space will allow you to have the best experience.
Choose a well lit area without screen glare or bright lighting behind you
Have a private and quiet space to avoid interruptions
Ensure your meeting space is comfortable and leaves you room to move your entire body
If you are getting an echo during your visit try using headphones or an ear bud for the audio
Having the proper internet speed and connectivity will decrease frustrations and give you and your therapist a clear and concise user interface to complete your appointment.
Minimum requirements:
Upload/Download speed of at least 2Mbps
check your speed here​
Mac/PC/Linux/Chromebook with current operating system
Mobile: Android/IOS​​​
Not compatible with Kindle or "e-readers"
Internet Browser: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari 11+ (current updates)​
Patient facing camera, microphone, and speakers or headphones
If you are having technical issues or would like to complete a pre-call test to check your system, follow this link for troubleshooting.
Connecting to your Therapist
On the day of your appointment you will receive an email from your therapist with a link to the "Waiting Room" prior to your scheduled appointment time. Please click on this link no later than 5-10 minutes before your scheduled time to ensure you are not having technical difficulties. Save this link, as it will bring you to your specific therapist's waiting room for future appointments.
Be sure that no other devices in your household are using internet bandwidth during your appointment to ensure a quality experience.
If you have not completed your consent forms or intake paperwork please inform your therapist at the beginning of your appointment.
If you are unable to be connected to your therapist due to technical difficulties please call our office at 907-235-7473 or reply to your therapist's email as soon as possible.