Patients commonly come to Physical Therapy for neck pain and mobility deficits that can result from serious injury or just day-to-day strains. Poor sitting posture with desk-work jobs can result in significant dysfunction and pain! Neck pain can be localized to the neck (cervical spine) itself, but can also refer pain down through the shoulder blades, mid back, and arms. Physical Therapists can help differentiate the origin of your “neck” pain and develop an appropriate plan of care, individualized to your specific and unique needs, to help resolve your pain and give you the skills and knowledge to manage your symptoms independently.
Common Injuries
Degenerative Disc Disease
Bulging or Herniated Disc
Postural Muscle Strain
Cervicogenic Headaches
“Pinched Nerve” (Cervical Radiculopathy)
How Can PT Help?
Joint Mobilizations
Soft Tissue and Fascial Release/Mobilization
Postural Re-Training
Individualized Exercise Programs
Modalities (heat, ice, TENS unit, ultrasound)
Spinal Traction